Thirsting For the Lord

Have you ever been in a spiritual drought? Feeling like you are lost and don't know where to go next? If you feel this way, you are not alone. Let's…

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Finally Overcoming Burnout

Burnout is an increasingly common thing in our society today but it's been around since just about the beginning of time. I'm certainly guilty as charged and have done this…

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Life Isn’t About You

We live in such a self-centered society. The internet is full of self-help gurus and inflated amounts of self-care videos and blogs. We have been led to believe that we…

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Does prayer work??

Does our prayer work? For many of us, our first instinct isn't to pray when something goes wrong. We give the excuses that "I don't pray as well as others"…

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Magnificence in the Miniscule

Christian culture romanticizes being missionaries to 3rd world countries, feeding starving kids, and building churches. Doing those things are fine until we forget about those around us and in our…

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For When Life Gets Stagnate…

Like vinaigrette, we aren't meant to have separate layers to our life. When our layers settle and we separate God from the other parts of our lives, life isn't quite…

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