Rejoice in the Morning
Don’t Give Up on Doing Good
Ministry is difficult. Ministry humbles you. Ministry stretches you. Ministry can exhaust you. Already knowing this, the Lord has called us to be a people united in one body, making disciples of all nations, completing the good works set before us, sharing the gospel and our lives with one another, and glorifying Him in everything […]
God’s way may be mysterious, but His goals aren’t
“God moves in a mysterious way.” You’ve likely heard this phrase a time or two, perhaps more often when going through a season of trials, grief, or confusion. William Cowper wrote this famous line opening his hymn, “Light Shining Out of Darkness” which was written out of the depths of an asylum and struggles with […]
Are you REALLY Pursuing the Lord?
A couple of years ago I was introduced to the idea of choosing a “word of the year” as a way of being intentional and focusing growth on a specific area, attitude, or characteristic of life. A word of the year helps to direct the goals you create, the books you read, and every activity […]
How to Rest in Christ
Work work work. But Genesis 2 set a standard to rest and what rest truly is. Dwelling in and delighting in the presence of God. That’s why we have the sabbath. Let us look in Mark 2 with Jesus talking about the sabbath… How to Rest in Christ – DEVOTIONAL SERIES #47 – YouTube Follow […]
We Aren’t Strong Enough…
As much as we want to do everything on our own we can’t do it all. We have to recognize that we need help. That help comes from the Lord, sometimes by His own extraordinary power and other times through the people around us he has blessed us with. Let’s take a look at 2nd […]
Dealing With A Loss…
We all go through seasons of mourning whether grieving the loss of a loved one, a friend, a family member, whether by death or a broken relationship. We all mourn. The world may seem shaken as there can be another sort of reality we have to learn to live in. When we experience this deep […]
After we share the Gospel…
How do you share the gospel? Who do I share the gospel with? What happens after I share the gospel? These are questions that almost every Christian wants to share what Christ has done for us. Let’s take a look at Matthew 13 for answers… After we share the Gospel… – DEVOTIONAL SERIES #44 – […]
Bringing Your Friend to Christ
Every Christian who has been transformed by Christ sees the world around them as a mission field. Our lives have been changed for the better in Christ and we want others to experience the same thing. But to what lengths will you go to show them Jesus and the new life you have been given? […]