Will God Forgive Backsliders?

Will God forgive a backslider? That's someone who was a believer, who lived in truth and then wandered from the past. Someone who began to reject the truth in their…

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Coming Back to Christ

Have you ever found yourself absentmindedly going through life and you suddenly realize, oh no! I'm not where I'm supposed to be. I'm not doing the things I should be…

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The Prodigal Son

We've all heard the parable of the prodigal son before but I bet you haven't thought of it this way. What is our role in this story? Because we are…

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Do you have Stockholm SINdrom?

When we live in sin without remorse, we eventually find ourselves living in sin with confidence and pride both desiring that sin more and not just accepting our sin but…

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Revenge Is Not Ours To Take

When was the last time someone wronged you? Then the perfect opportunity presents itself for payback, oh that sweet sweet revenge. Maybe this person was a jerk, they deserve it,…

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The Way, Truth and Life

Our entire life we have had outside influences saying do this, don’t do that, be this, don’t be that. All of these voices and claims create a cloud of chaotic…

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Bible: Faith Hall of Fame

How do I live by Faith? The Bible gives us example after example throughout the new and old testaments. Thankfully it is summarized in Hebrews 11 listen off what we…

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