Are you  REALLY Pursuing the Lord?

A couple of years ago I was introduced to the idea of choosing a “word of the year” as a way of being intentional and focusing growth on a specific area, attitude, or characteristic of life. A word of the year helps to direct the goals you create, the books you read, and every activity you engage with towards growth in that area. As Christians, change in our lives is created and made apparent by using that word as a specific lens to focus everything on glorifying and enjoying God. Let’s look at a verse from the Psalms that teaches on this theme of intentionality.

Psalm 90
“12 So teach us to number our days
that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

– Psalm 90:12 // ESV

This verse, when viewed in light of the entire psalm, helps us understand the frailty of life. We are mere mortals with limited days, which leaves the simple question, what are we going to do with the time we have? Are we going to set a few goals once a year and then just wait around another 365 days before setting new goals? Are we going to live slothfully or frivolously as though life will continue on forever? Or will we understand our own mortality and become wise? This verse isn’t about being fatalistic, but learning to appreciate, to cherish, and to use well the time we have in pursuit of the Lord.

When we appoint our days unto the Lord, seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness, we gain the wisdom to see the victory of redemption in Christ and how that ought to change our attitude toward life. We see the difference between worthwhile and worthless pursuits. When we call upon the Lord to teach us to number our days, we begin to develop a more clear focus for our life and the importance of urgency. This verse is a wake-up call to stop kicking the can down the road and pursue the Lord intentionally and whole-heartedly.

So what does this have to do with choosing a word each year? When we number our days and focus our lives in pursuit of glorifying the Lord more, a word of the year keeps things simple and intentional to aid us in that pursuit. This concept is a framework to help us both pursue growth and see how the Lord is working in our lives, building us and maturing us. A word of the year provides a context for us to visualize and move towards specific growth, which is often far easier said than done when we set random and unrelated goals. This word acts as a theme for our goal setting that assists us in setting healthy and rewarding goals that will ultimately lead us closer to the Lord. Often changes happen on a microscopic level, one little piece at a time, and those changes are incredibly difficult to see when we look back only once a year. This word focuses your attention to continue looking back throughout the year whether it be quarterly, monthly, weekly, or daily to see the Lord at work and then testify to His faithfulness.

This year, I chose to continue using the same word I used last year, Onward. This word is about pursuing the Lord, focusing on the things yet unseen rather than the past or even this tattered present. To take life on, one step at a time, despite every obstacle on the path ahead. Moving onward means not becoming stagnate, not letting the repetition of life produce a sort of stalemate that suffocates any joy, leaving apathy in its wake. Ultimately, this word is just a tool to help me more intentionally pursue the Lord and trust in His faithfulness as He establishes the path in front of me.

Friends, let us number our days as we pursue a heart of wisdom that only comes from the Lord.

What is the word you’re using as a tool to help you pursue the Lord and appoint your days more intentionally this year?